In the world of Dusk Veil, people have been creating enchanted items for centuries. So, it is no surprise that they have created some magic specific to the world that they live in.
Below are runes for upgrading existing items, and a few specific items that would be available to creatures Behind the Veil.
Certainly, there are other unique magic items, but for now enjoy a few of the more common ones, and the references to pop culture contained within them.
Armor Runes
Bullet Resistance
These runes can be added to any armor to make them specifically resistant to bullets. The resistance applies to any damage from firearms, but does not apply to any energy damage that may have been added, such as through a Flaming Rune on a weapon.
Lesser (level 8) 400gp
Resistance to Bullets 5
Greater (level 12) 1450gp
Resistance to Bullets 10
Specific Armor
Leather Duster of Resistance Level 10 980gp
This is a long leather jacket that functions as +1 Resilient Resistant Leather Armor
The Armor has Resistance 5 to whichever type of damage (acid, cold, electricity, fire, bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) the wearer chooses. The wearer can take 10 minutes to refocus and choose a new type of damage to which the Resistance applies
Weapon Runes
Merciful Level 8 500GP
This rune turns all damage from a weapon into nonlethal damage. The weapon deals an additional 1d6 nonlethal damage on a successful strike, On a critical strike, the target must make a DC 24 Fortitude save or be Stunned 1
Merciful Greater Level 15 6500GP
The damage dealt by this weapon ignores all physical resistances. The Fortitude DC is 34
Specific Weapons
Transforming Pistol Level 5 150gp
This +1 Striking Medium Pistol can magically transform into a mundane object. When it is created the specific object that it turns into is chosen and cannot be changed. This item must have a bulk of at least Light. Common items for it to transform into include a cane or an umbrella, but can be anything of Light bulk or heavier.
It is a [one-action] interact action to change forms.
Transforming Rifle Level 5 165gp
This +1 Striking Medium Combat Rifle functions the same as the Transforming Pistol except the item must be at least 1 Bulk. Common items are a suitcase, a bouquet of flowers, or any item of at least 1 bulk.
Blade gun Level 6 300gp
This weapon is a +1 Striking Medium Pistol that has blade on the end that functions as +1 Striking shortsword. That’s it. It’s a gunblade. Enjoy.
I have 20+ years of experience running and playing various Tabletop RPG’s and a BA in English and Creative Writing. I have written freelance for several tabletop games, including Pathfinder 2e, but Dusk Veil is entirely my own creation.
Besides TTRPGs, I love cosplay, Nerf Wars, comic books, all things post-apocalyptic, and am an avid DIYer (including making my own tabletop terrain and props)