
For some people, this post is one of the most exciting parts of character creation. For others, just another part of the game.  But equipment is an essential part of any Pathfinder game (and most RPGs).  So here is some equipment that will be essential in a modern game, including new weapons and armor and READ MORE


New Archetype: Hacker If the Ages of Man are defined by the level of technology they have, then we are living in the Computer Age. Pretty much everyone has access to a computer and virtually everyone owns at least one smartphone (and what is a smartphone if not a tiny computer?).  With computers and electronics READ MORE

New Skills

How are they different in Dusk Veil? One thing we must be aware of is the balance of skills in Pathfinder 2nd Edition.  We cannot go adding new skills willy nilly or it would disrupt the system as presented. Luckily, PF2e is robust enough that many actions are covered by the more open-ended skills, such READ MORE