I wanted to give a quick site update. Since launching at the beginning of this year, I have posted one new entry every week (with one exception due to tech gremlins). The time has come to lower that schedule. There is still plenty of Dusk Veil to write, but things at this stage are going to take more development, and therefore more time. Most likely, posts will now happen every other Friday. I’m still working hard on this game, but I can’t devote the time it requires to put out full-length posts every week.
Also, I’m going to spend some time re-vamping the site. A blog worked fine when there only a few entries. There needs to be a better way to navigate the content. Blogs will still be used to announce new things, but there will soon be a wiki of sorts, an SRD if you will, to make it easier to find the feat or item you are looking for. I’m a writer, not a web developer, so website work takes a little bit longer.
I know I promised the Technomancer class this week, but unfortunately it just isn’t in a state I can release to the world. It will be out soon. Things like brand new classes take time, not just to write, but to test and make sure they work.
Nonetheless, I do have one amazing magic item for you today. It was contributed by the amazing artist, content creator, and Game Raccoon, Ashton Sperry. You can follow them @WhoTweetedThis. They also made the wonderful art seen in today’s blog and have graciously allowed me to use their content.

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Resembling a tiny truck of an older design, this 3-inch-long metal and glass figurine is surprisingly dense for its size. When commanded, the miniature vehicle retrieves a phantasmal expert on a given subject from the Akashic Record who answers your questions for a time.
Activate[one-action] Command, Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect: You ask the expert truck for an expert on a subject; choose Arcana, Nature, Religion, Occultism, Society, or a Lore skill as your expert’s field of expertise. You then place the expert truck on the ground, causing the expert truck to vanish with a poof of acrid smoke and a low rumbling noise.
1 minute later, a phantasmal expert appears; this expert has the stat block of an unseen servant spell, save that its Intelligence modifier is +4. For the next 10 minutes, the phantasmal expert answers any questions related to its field of expertise. Each truck comes with a listed DC for the purposes of determining what the expert knows; any topic with a DC equal to or lower than the listed DC is within the expert’s purview. Questions with a DC higher than the expert’s DC, or outside its field of expertise, are answered with a simple, “I don’t know.” After the 10 minute duration, the expert returns to the Akashic Record, and the expert truck reappears.
Type Expert; Level 5; Price 150 gp; DC 20
Type Master; Level 12; Price 1,750 gp; DC 30
Type Legend; Level 19; Price 36,000 gp; DC 40
I have 20+ years of experience running and playing various Tabletop RPG’s and a BA in English and Creative Writing. I have written freelance for several tabletop games, including Pathfinder 2e, but Dusk Veil is entirely my own creation.
Besides TTRPGs, I love cosplay, Nerf Wars, comic books, all things post-apocalyptic, and am an avid DIYer (including making my own tabletop terrain and props)