When I first started dreaming up this blog, someone I trust said that to prove your chops in TTRPG writing you had to create an NPC, a monster, an adventure, an item, some setting lore, and a spell.
Well, I covered the first three all at the same time, have several different entries on items, and a few on lore. So here I present to you a spell. Sorry, correction: Spells. Wait, no; a whole new spellcasting tradition. Yeah, that’s it.
Introducing Technomancy.
In this blog entry you will find a handful of new spells. All of these will be on the Technomancy Spell list. That is going up as a separate entry in order to keep some amount of organization here. You can find it here.
In the coming weeks we will feature a new bloodline for Sorcerers to get access to Technomancy, and a brand new prepared spellcaster, the Technomancer.
Without further ado, here are the spells.
Back Door Spell 2
Traditions Arcane, Technomancy
Cast somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet
Targets 1 computer or electronic security device
Duration 1 minute
You make the target easier to access. This spell grants a +4 status bonus to any creature that tries to access the target device with a Computers or a Thievery check. You can attempt a Computers check to open the target as part of casting Back Door, and you add your level even if you’re untrained.
Charge Weapon Spell 4
Traditions Technomancy
Cast [two-action] Verbal Somatic
Target 1 weapon
Duration 1 minute
You imbue one weapon with Electricity. It gains 1d6 electricity damage for the duration of the spell. On a critical hit, electricity arcs out to deal an equal amount of electricity damage to up to two other creatures of your choice within 10 feet of the target.
Cloak Spell 2
Traditions Technomancy
Cast [two-actions] Verbal Somatic
Targets 1 Creature
Duration 10 Minutes
The target becomes Invisible to all electronic devices such as cameras, scanners, thermal sensors, etc. This does mean the target cannot interact with devices that require visible input such as fingerprint scanners.
You are still visible to creatures if they are not looking at you through a device.
Heightened +1 You can target an additional creature
Cloaking Field Spell 5
Traditions Technomancy
Cast [two-actions] verbal somatic
Area 10ft Emanation
Duration 10 minutes
This spells functions as Cloak but it creates an 10 emanation centered on you. All creatures and objects you choose within this space are affected by the spell.
Digital Doorway Spell 5
Traditions Technomancy
Cast [three-actions] Material, Verbal, Somatic
Range 1 mile
Target You
You open a channel through an electronic device that is connected to the internet, then convert yourself to digital data and send travel through this device to another connected device. You appear in material form in an available adjacent square to the device. You do not need to know the exact location of the destination device, but you do need to be aware of its existence.
You must have access to the device you are entering, such as passing a Crack Skill Check beforehand, or a device that is not locked or protected. If the destination device is locked or protected, you must pass a Computers Skill Check equal to the DC to Crack the device. The results of that check are as follows
Success: You appear next to the device with no problems.
Failure: You take 3d6 mental damage as you are shunted through the device, but otherwise arrive as normal.
Critical Failure: You do not travel the distance and arrive back where you started. The spell is lost.
Heightened 6th: You make an additional creature who you can touch with you
Heightened 7th: You may take two additional creatures who you can touch with you and the range is 10 miles
Heightened 8th: You may take three additional creatures who you can touch with you and the range is 10 miles
Heightened 9th: You may take three additional creatures who you can touch with you and the range is 100 miles
Heightened 10th: You may take four additional creatures who you can touch with you and the range is 1,000 miles
Electromagnetic Pulse Spell 3
Traditions Technomancy
Cast [two-action] Verbal, Somatic
Area 20ft emanation
Saving Throw Fortitude
Targets Any electronic devices in the area[Transmutation]
You send out a pulse of electromagnetic energy that disrupts small conductors, makes computer chips go haywire and otherwise causes disturbances of electrical signals. This causes any electronic device to become inoperable for a short time. Attended devices get a Fortitude save against this effect. Unattended Devices automatically critically fail the save.
Success: The spell has no effect
Failure: The device temporarily gains the broken condition for 1 minute.
Critical Failure: The device gains the broken condition. The DC to repair is equal to your Spell DC
Faraday cage Spell 3
Traditions Technomancy
Cast {three-action] Verbal Somatic Material
Area 20ft cube
Range 30ft
Duration 1 hour
You create cube of electrostatic interference. No electronic signal (Wi-Fi, cellular data, Bluetooth, etc.) can get from in or out of this cube. Anyone trying to send a magic signal must make a DC 11 flat check. Spells with the electricity trait must pass a DC 17 flat check to pass through the area of the cube.
Mental Bandwidth Focus 1
Traditions Technomancy
Cast [one-action] Somatic
You tap into WiFi or cellular signal and connect your brain to the internet for a moment. You gain a +2 on your next Recall Knowledge check as you tap into search engines for more information
Modify Data Spell 1
Traditions Technomancy
Cast [two-actions] Verbal, Somatic
Range Touch
Targets 1 electronic device
You rearrange some of the code in a computer, phone, or other electronic storage device.
When you cast this spell you have two options. Implant Data or Erase Data
Implant Data allows you to place one piece of data inside the system that can be accessed by a normal user of the device (or anyone who has cracked it). A piece of data consists of a simple fact, such as a creature or object’s location or physical description, a creature or object’s tangible or intangible value, or another simple statement. This data can override other data.
You can choose if this is permanent or if it vanishes after being accessed.
Erase Data functions with the same limitations, except it only erases the data.
Heightened +2 You can implant/erase one additional piece of data
Shape Plastic Spell 2
Traditions Technomancy
Cast [two Action] somatic, verbal
Range touch
Targets a piece of plastic up to 20 cubic feet in volume
This spell functions exactly like Shape Wood except the target must be a piece of plastic polymer
I have 20+ years of experience running and playing various Tabletop RPG’s and a BA in English and Creative Writing. I have written freelance for several tabletop games, including Pathfinder 2e, but Dusk Veil is entirely my own creation.
Besides TTRPGs, I love cosplay, Nerf Wars, comic books, all things post-apocalyptic, and am an avid DIYer (including making my own tabletop terrain and props)