Dusk Veil is after all a Pathfinder 2e mod, and what would Pathfinder 2e be without more feats?
There isn’t a lot of preamble for this one. New skills require new skill feats. There will be feats for the existing skills and how they interact in a modern setting and new general feats coming, but for now, we are discussing feats for the two new skills, Computers and Pilot.

Improvised Device
Prerequisite: Trained in Computers, Level 1
Sometimes you find yourself without the necessary equipment to perform cracking and hacking actions. That’s okay, at the very least you have your phone, and you’ve worked with less
You no longer take a -1 for using a smartphone to Hack or Crack.
Search Engine
Prerequisite: Trained in Computers, Level 1
You’ve spent plenty of time looking things up on the internet. You’ve learned the tricks to getting good results. Spend an additional action to gain+1 to any Recall Knowledge check if you have access to the internet.
Automate Code
Prerequisite: Expert in Computers, Level 2
You can create a program that automates some computer actions for you. This code attempts a Hack or Crack check. Roll as normal using your Computers Skill. You do not have to have to actively be at the device for the check to succeed, but it takes twice as long, e.g. three action hack now takes six actions, 1 minute hack takes 2 minutes, etc.
Superior Programming
Prerequisite: Master in Computers, Level 7, Automate Code
Your code has gotten so advanced that it surpasses you skill in computers. When you use Automate Code, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the check.

Backseat Driver
Prerequisite: Trained in Pilot, Level 1
Your skill at driving also translates to an ability to give directions to someone else behind the wheel.
Gain a +4 Circumstance bonus to Aid on Pilot Checks for a vehicle in which you are a passenger.
Lead Foot
Prerequisite: Trained in Pilot, Level 1
You’ve spent so much timing driving vehicles as fast as they can go, that’s just your natural state now.
Pushing a vehicle to maximum speed is now a free action
Stunt Driver
Prerequisite: Expert in Pilot, Level 2
You are well versed in the ways you can manipulate a car or tuck to pull of various stunts
Reduce the DC of all maneuvers by 2
Agile Driver
Prerequisite: Master in Pilot, Level 7
You’re extremely proficient in getting the most out of the vehicles you drive. Treat the Maneuverability for all vehicles as 1 step better
I have 20+ years of experience running and playing various Tabletop RPG’s and a BA in English and Creative Writing. I have written freelance for several tabletop games, including Pathfinder 2e, but Dusk Veil is entirely my own creation.
Besides TTRPGs, I love cosplay, Nerf Wars, comic books, all things post-apocalyptic, and am an avid DIYer (including making my own tabletop terrain and props)