Welcome to Dusk Veil. A game for playing fantasy heroes in a modern setting.
Here you will find blog posts with rules, setting information, and short stories to help you play a game of Dusk Veil.
You can find the initial post, explaining the game in more detail here.
The new adventure “Into the Veil” designed to introduce 1st-level characters and players to Dusk Veil is now available. Click here for more information
And also check out of our custom character sheets, designed just for Dusk Veil.
Otherwise feel free to search, check out tags, or just read the latest posts.
All rules and game mechanics on this blog are released under the Open Gaming License
Most recent posts
- Expert Truck & site updateI wanted to give a quick site update. Since launching at the beginning of this year, I have posted one new entry every week (with one exception due to tech gremlins). The time has come to lower that schedule. There is still plenty of Dusk Veil to write, but things at this stage are going READ MORE
- Technomancy SpellsWhen I first started dreaming up this blog, someone I trust said that to prove your chops in TTRPG writing you had to create an NPC, a monster, an adventure, an item, some setting lore, and a spell.Well, I covered the first three all at the same time, have several different entries on items, and READ MORE
- How I’m Handling ReligionI was hoping to have a post today about what to me is one of the more exciting additions to the game, but it requires some playtesting and that is not done yet. I’m not promising anything, but most likely next week we will have a brand new magic tradition along with new spells for READ MORE
- Magic Items and RunesIn the world of Dusk Veil, people have been creating enchanted items for centuries. So, it is no surprise that they have created some magic specific to the world that they live in. Below are runes for upgrading existing items, and a few specific items that would be available to creatures Behind the Veil. Certainly, READ MORE
- Iconic Locations Behind the VeilWe’ve been discussing rules and mechanics a lot lately, so let’s delve a little into setting. And this time I mean setting pretty literally, as in the place where things happen. Or in this case, places. One of the best ways to understand a character is to know where they grew up, where and how READ MORE
- Skill FeatsDusk Veil is after all a Pathfinder 2e mod, and what would Pathfinder 2e be without more feats? There isn’t a lot of preamble for this one. New skills require new skill feats. There will be feats for the existing skills and how they interact in a modern setting and new general feats coming, but READ MORE